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King Chavez


King Chavez Academy of Excellence WSM (LLB) (GMP 1) CC22-0902-08-A1-G1

Demolition of all existing buildings, two (2) existing portable Kindergarten classroom buildings and all existing sitework; removal of all other portable buildings; construction of two (2) two-story classroom buildings, one (1) single-story administration building and one (1) single-story modular food service building; installation of hardscape, landscape and an artificial turf soccer field, playground areas with play structures, one (1) fabric shade structure and one (1) PC-approved lunch shade structure.
   ​King Chavez Academy of Excellence TK-8                  PSA Specialist:
   2716 Marcy Ave., San Diego, CA 92113                      Maria Cruz   (619) 879-7870

    Pre-Job Meeting Dates:                                           Bid ad:        07/05/23
        Tuesday 10/10/23                                              Bid award:   10/10/23
        Tuesday 10/24/23
        Tuesday 11/16/23
        Tuesday 08/01/24
collapse Document Types : Bid Documents ‎(3)
9/13/2023 5:25 PMCruz Maria
Final Results_KingChavezAoE_WSM LLB -GMP No. 1.pdf
10/12/2023 12:46 PMCruz Maria
Preliminary Results LLB - GMP No. 1.pdf
10/6/2023 11:07 AMCruz Maria
collapse Document Types : Letters of Assent (LOA) & Pre-Job Forms (PJCF) ‎(150)
_GC Baflour Beatty PJ (rev).pdf
11/9/2023 9:02 AMCruz Maria
_GC Baflour Beatty PJ.pdf
10/6/2023 3:39 PMCruz Maria
_GC Balfour Beatty LOA.pdf
10/12/2023 12:44 PMCruz Maria
A and A dba A and S Flooring LOA.pdf
10/23/2023 11:21 AMCruz Maria
A and A dba A and S Flooring SPJ.pdf
11/15/2023 9:50 PMCruz Maria
Able Heating and Air LOA.pdf
10/23/2023 11:20 AMCruz Maria
Able Heating and Air SPJ.pdf
10/24/2023 9:13 AMCruz Maria
Able tier Bragg Crane LOA.pdf
8/1/2024 8:46 AMCruz Maria
Able tier Bragg Crane SPJ.pdf
11/7/2024 3:21 PMCruz Maria
Able tier Penn Air Control LOA.pdf
1/24/2025 2:38 PMCruz Maria
Able tier Penn Air Control SPJ.pdf
1/24/2025 3:06 PMCruz Maria
Able tier Precision Air Balance LOA.pdf
10/24/2023 9:15 AMCruz Maria
Able tier Precision Air Balance SPJ.pdf
10/26/2023 12:31 AMCruz Maria
Able tier Russell Sigler LOA.pdf
10/24/2023 9:16 AMCruz Maria
Able tier Russell Sigler SPJ (NP).pdf
11/15/2023 9:55 PMCruz Maria
Able tier Russell tier Baker Electric SPJ.pdf
8/1/2024 9:29 AMCruz Maria
Able tier Scot-Therm Insulation LOA.pdf
11/15/2023 9:58 PMCruz Maria
Able tier Scot-Therm Insulation SPJ.pdf
11/15/2023 9:57 PMCruz Maria
Advance Plumbing LOA.pdf
10/6/2023 3:39 PMCruz Maria
Advance Plumbing SPJ.pdf
10/6/2023 3:40 PMCruz Maria
Advance Plumbing tier Farwest Insulation LOA.pdf
10/26/2023 12:33 AMCruz Maria
Advance Plumbing tier Farwest Insulation SPJ.pdf
10/26/2023 12:34 AMCruz Maria
Brady tier A1 Blinds LOA.pdf
10/27/2023 5:22 PMCruz Maria
Brady tier A1 Blinds SPJ.pdf
10/26/2023 1:03 PMCruz Maria
Brady tier All Star Signs LOA.pdf
10/26/2023 12:35 AMCruz Maria
Brady tier All Star Signs SPJ.pdf
10/26/2023 12:35 AMCruz Maria
Brady West LOA.pdf
7/15/2024 6:24 PMCruz Maria
Brady West SPJ.pdf
10/26/2023 12:34 AMCruz Maria
Canyon Steel Fabricators LOA.pdf
10/26/2023 12:36 AMCruz Maria
Canyon Steel Fabricators SPJ.pdf
10/19/2023 3:59 PMCruz Maria
Centex Glazing LOA.pdf
10/26/2023 12:37 AMCruz Maria
Centex Glazing SPJ.pdf
10/26/2023 12:37 AMCruz Maria
Cosco Fire Protection LOA.pdf
10/17/2023 11:00 AMCruz Maria
Cosco Fire Protection SPJ.pdf
10/17/2023 11:01 AMCruz Maria
Costa Azul LOA.pdf
10/26/2023 12:38 AMCruz Maria
Costa Azul SPJ.pdf
10/26/2023 12:38 AMCruz Maria
D3 Construction LOA.pdf
10/19/2023 6:27 PMCruz Maria
D3 Construction SPJ.pdf
10/19/2023 4:03 PMCruz Maria
Fence Corp SPJ.pdf
7/15/2024 4:37 PMCruz Maria
FJ Willert  SPJ (rev -tier).pdf
7/30/2024 7:32 PMCruz Maria
FJ Willert LOA.pdf
10/6/2023 4:36 PMCruz Maria
FJ Willert SPJ (rev).pdf
10/10/2023 12:39 PMCruz Maria
FJ Willert SPJ (rev2).pdf
10/26/2023 12:42 AMCruz Maria
FJ Willert SPJ.pdf
10/10/2023 8:55 AMCruz Maria
FJ Willert tier CA Tree Service SPJ.pdf
8/1/2024 8:47 AMCruz Maria
FJ Willert tier Condon-Johnson LOA.pdf
5/30/2024 4:34 PMCruz Maria
FJ Willert tier Condon-Johnson SPJ.pdf
6/27/2024 5:18 PMCruz Maria
FJ Willert tier CPL (underground Loacting Srvs.) LOA.pdf
11/15/2023 10:49 PMCruz Maria
FJ Willert tier CPL (underground Loacting Srvs.) SPJ.pdf
11/15/2023 10:51 PMCruz Maria
FJ Willert tier CPL SPJ.pdf
10/13/2023 5:46 PMCruz Maria
FJ Willert tier Cut N Core LOA.pdf
7/30/2024 7:37 PMCruz Maria
FJ Willert tier Cut N Core SPJ.pdf
7/30/2024 7:38 PMCruz Maria
FJ Willert tier D3 Construction LOA.pdf
10/23/2023 11:00 AMCruz Maria
FJ Willert tier D3 Construction SPJ.pdf
10/12/2023 3:54 PMCruz Maria
FJ Willert tier ECTI LOA.pdf
2/13/2024 4:17 PMCruz Maria
FJ Willert tier ECTI SPJ.pdf
2/14/2024 9:21 AMCruz Maria
FJ Willert tier Environmental Contractors Transportation LOA.pdf
5/8/2024 2:44 PMCruz Maria
FJ Willert tier Environmental Contractors Transportation SPJ.pdf
5/8/2024 2:46 PMCruz Maria
FJ Willert tier Golden Triangle LOA.pdf
10/23/2023 11:25 AMCruz Maria
FJ Willert tier Golden Triangle SPJ.pdf
10/23/2023 11:26 AMCruz Maria
FJ Willert tier Groud Penetrating Radar Sys LOA.pdf
10/19/2023 4:04 PMCruz Maria
FJ Willert tier Groud Penetrating Radar Sys SPJ.pdf
10/19/2023 4:04 PMCruz Maria
FJ Willert tier On The Road Ventures dba Bancroft CS SPJ.pdf
10/26/2023 12:43 AMCruz Maria
FJ Willert tier Urbina's SPJ.pdf
5/8/2024 4:39 PMCruz Maria
Flexground SPJ.pdf
10/26/2023 12:49 AMCruz Maria
Global Modular SPJ.pdf
10/6/2023 3:41 PMCruz Maria
Global tier Crane Rental Service SPJ.pdf
10/10/2023 8:55 AMCruz Maria
Hamel Concrete LOA.pdf
10/13/2023 5:08 PMCruz Maria
Hamel Concrete SPJ (rev -add crew per PJM).pdf
6/27/2024 5:53 PMCruz Maria
Hamel Concrete SPJ (rev).pdf
10/26/2023 1:59 PMCruz Maria
Hamel Concrete SPJ.pdf
10/19/2023 6:54 PMCruz Maria
Hamel tier Angelus Waterproofing LOA.pdf
10/16/2023 1:31 PMCruz Maria
Hamel tier Angelus Waterproofing SPJ.pdf
10/26/2023 12:50 AMCruz Maria
Hamel tier CTR Concrete Pumping LOA.pdf
12/6/2023 2:49 PMCruz Maria
Hamel tier CTR Concrete Pumping SPJ.pdf
7/15/2024 4:47 PMCruz Maria
Hamel tier Nolan Excavation LOA.pdf
7/15/2024 5:57 PMCruz Maria
Hamel tier Nolan Excavation SPJ.pdf
6/27/2024 5:56 PMCruz Maria
Hamel tier Quality Rebar LOA.pdf
10/26/2023 12:50 AMCruz Maria
Hamel tier Quality Rebar SPJ.pdf
10/16/2023 1:34 PMCruz Maria
Inland Bldg Construction SPJ (rev-add assignment sow).pdf
11/7/2024 4:34 PMCruz Maria
Inland Bldg Construction SPJ.pdf
8/1/2024 8:47 AMCruz Maria
Inland Pacific Tile LOA.PDF
10/13/2023 5:17 PMCruz Maria
Inland Pacific Tile SPJ.pdf
10/13/2023 5:49 PMCruz Maria
K and Z Cabinets LOA.pdf
7/30/2024 7:52 PMCruz Maria
K and Z Cabinets SPJ.pdf
11/15/2023 10:17 PMCruz Maria
K and Z tier tier Andrew Lauren Surfaces LOA.pdf
7/30/2024 9:42 PMCruz Maria
K and Z tier tier Andrew Lauren Surfaces SPJ.pdf
7/30/2024 7:59 PMCruz Maria
10/19/2023 4:27 PMCruz Maria
Miller Environmental LOA.pdf
10/10/2023 12:36 PMCruz Maria
Miller Environmental SPJ (rev -add sow and assignment per PJM).pdf
6/27/2024 6:02 PMCruz Maria
Miller Environmental SPJ.pdf
10/10/2023 8:56 AMCruz Maria
Miller tier Ace Concrete Cutting LOA.pdf
5/30/2024 4:44 PMCruz Maria
Miller tier Cable Pipe and Leak LOA.pdf
10/12/2023 3:53 PMCruz Maria
Miller tier Cable Pipe and Leak SPJ.pdf
10/26/2023 1:35 PMCruz Maria
Miller tier DRV Modular LOA.pdf
10/10/2023 8:57 AMCruz Maria
Miller tier DRV Modular SPJ.pdf
10/10/2023 8:59 AMCruz Maria
Miller tier Pavement Recycling LOA.pdf
8/1/2024 10:22 AMCruz Maria
Miller tier Pavement Recycling SPJ.pdf
8/1/2024 10:23 AMCruz Maria
Precision Electric LOA.pdf
10/6/2023 3:41 PMCruz Maria
Precision Electric SPJ (rev2-tier).pdf
12/16/2024 9:50 AMCruz Maria
Precision Electric SPJ (rev-tier).pdf
7/15/2024 5:03 PMCruz Maria
Precision Electric SPJ.pdf
10/6/2023 3:42 PMCruz Maria
Precision tier Applied Engr Concepts LOA.pdf
5/8/2024 4:37 PMCruz Maria
Precision tier Applied Engr Concepts SPJ.pdf
5/8/2024 2:49 PMCruz Maria
Precision tier Cement Cutting LOA.pdf
7/15/2024 7:10 PMCruz Maria
Precision tier Cement Cutting SPJ.pdf
7/15/2024 7:10 PMCruz Maria
Precision tier CPL LOA.pdf
12/16/2024 10:05 AMCruz Maria
Precision tier CPL SPJ.pdf
12/16/2024 9:50 AMCruz Maria
Precision tier Rust Logistics LOA.pdf
2/28/2025 3:30 PMCruz Maria
Precision tier SD Concrete pumping LOA.pdf
6/27/2024 6:07 PMCruz Maria
Precision tier SD Concrete Pumping SPJ.pdf
6/27/2024 6:08 PMCruz Maria
Precision tier Standard Electric LOA.pdf
10/6/2023 3:42 PMCruz Maria
Precision tier Standard Electric SPJ.pdf
10/10/2023 9:28 AMCruz Maria
Precision tier VB Engr. LOA.pdf
10/26/2023 12:52 AMCruz Maria
Precision tier VB Engr. SPJ.pdf
10/26/2023 12:53 AMCruz Maria
Precision tier World Bridge LOA.pdf
10/6/2023 3:43 PMCruz Maria
Precision tier World Bridge SPJ.pdf
10/6/2023 4:21 PMCruz Maria
Premierwest Landscape SPJ.pdf
10/26/2023 12:53 AMCruz Maria
RAP Engr LOA.pdf
10/13/2023 5:42 PMCruz Maria
RAP Engr SPJ.pdf
10/13/2023 5:51 PMCruz Maria
RAP tier Ambrit LOA.pdf
10/26/2023 12:54 AMCruz Maria
RAP tier Ambrit SPJ.pdf
10/19/2023 4:28 PMCruz Maria
San Diego Elevator and Lifts LOA.pdf
8/1/2024 9:12 AMCruz Maria
San Diego Elevator and Lifts SPJ.pdf
10/26/2023 12:55 AMCruz Maria
SD Restaurant Supply SPJ.pdf
7/30/2024 8:04 PMCruz Maria
SoCal Coatings LOA.pdf
10/23/2023 10:33 AMCruz Maria
SoCal Coatings SPJ.pdf
10/19/2023 5:22 PMCruz Maria
Southcoast Acoustical Interiors LOA.pdf
10/26/2023 9:47 AMCruz Maria
Southcoast Acoustical Interiors SPJ.pdf
10/19/2023 5:25 PMCruz Maria
Spooner's tier JLM Installation LOA.pdf
7/15/2024 6:45 PMCruz Maria
Spooner's tier JLM Installation SPJ.pdf
5/30/2024 4:47 PMCruz Maria
Spooners ttier Baja Door and Lock LOA.pdf
7/15/2024 6:08 PMCruz Maria
Spooners ttier Baja Door and Lock SPJ.pdf
7/15/2024 6:10 PMCruz Maria
Spooners Woodworks LOA.pdf
10/26/2023 12:56 AMCruz Maria
Spooners Woodworks SPJ (NP).pdf
10/26/2023 12:56 AMCruz Maria
Spooners Woodworks SPJ (rev-tier).pdf
5/8/2024 4:53 PMCruz Maria
Standard Drywall LOA.pdf
10/12/2023 1:48 PMCruz Maria
Standard Drywall SPJ.pdf
10/10/2023 9:19 AMCruz Maria
Standard Drywall tier CR Insulation LOA.pdf
10/26/2023 5:00 PMCruz Maria
Standard Drywall tier CR Insulation SPJ.pdf
10/26/2023 1:01 AMCruz Maria
Standard Drywall tier Onyx Bldg Grp LOA.pdf
8/1/2024 8:48 AMCruz Maria
Standard Drywall tier Onyx Building Grp SPJ.pdf
11/15/2023 10:24 PMCruz Maria
Standard Drywall tier Onyx tier CSI LOA.pdf
8/1/2024 8:48 AMCruz Maria
Standard tier Onyx tier CSI SPJ.pdf
8/1/2024 9:32 AMCruz Maria
Sylvester Roofing LOA.pdf
10/26/2023 1:07 AMCruz Maria
Sylvester Roofing SPJ.pdf
7/15/2024 6:27 PMCruz Maria
Winegardner Masonry LOA.pdf
11/16/2023 1:16 PMCruz Maria
Winegardner Masonry SPJ.pdf
7/15/2024 6:15 PMCruz Maria
XYZ Consulting LOA.pdf
10/6/2023 3:43 PMCruz Maria
XYZ Consulting SPJ.pdf
10/6/2023 4:22 PMCruz Maria
collapse Document Types : Pre-Job Conf. (PJC) Meetings ‎(13)
2023-10-10 PJC Session I King Chavez Academy of Excellence WSM LLB Balfour GMP1(CC22-0902-08-A1-G1) _Recording.mp4
10/25/2023 12:48 PMWalden Loretta
2023-10-10_PJM session 1_King Chavez AOE WSM- GMP 1_Chat Log.txt
10/11/2023 11:25 AMCruz Maria
2023-10-10_PJM session 1_King Chavez AOE WSM- GMP 1_PSA App Meeting Minutes.pdf
10/12/2023 4:51 PMCruz Maria
2023-10-24 King Chavez Academy of Excellence WSM (LLB) (GMP 1) CC22-0902-08-A1-G1_Recording.mp4
10/25/2023 9:06 AMWalden Loretta
2023-10-24_PJM seesion 2_ King Chavez AOE WSM-GMP1_PSA App Meeting minutes.pdf
10/26/2023 1:21 AMCruz Maria
2023-10-24_PJM session 2_King Chavez AOE WSM-GMP1_Cht Log.txt
10/24/2023 3:13 PMCruz Maria
2023-11-16 PJCM Session III King Chavez AcadWSM (LLB)BalfourCC22-0902-08-A1-G1 (GMP1)- Attendee Report.pdf
11/17/2023 8:58 AMWalden Loretta
2023-11-16 PJCM SIII King ChavezWSM (LLB)BalfourCC22-0902-08-A1-G1 (GMP1)_Recording.mp4
11/17/2023 2:06 PMDaley Michael
2023-11-16_PJM session 3_King Chavez AOE WSM- GMP 1_Chat Log.txt
11/16/2023 3:16 PMCruz Maria
20240801PJCM Session IV King_Chavez Academy of Excel WSM LLBw-Balfour BeattyCC22-0902-08-A1-G1_Attendee.pdf
8/2/2024 9:30 AMWalden Loretta
20240801PJCM Session IV King_Chavez Academy of Excel WSM LLBw-Balfour BeattyCC22-0902-08-A1-G1_Chat.pdf
8/2/2024 9:32 AMWalden Loretta
20240801PJCM Session IV King_Chavez Academy of Excel WSM LLBw-Balfour BeattyCC22-0902-08-A1-G1_Meeting Minutes.pdf
11/7/2024 4:02 PMCruz Maria
20240801PJCM Session IV King_Chavez Academy of Excel WSM LLBw-Balfour BeattyCC22-0902-08-A1-G1_Recording.mp4
8/2/2024 9:13 AMWalden Loretta